Improved Jumping Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Reservoir Operation

Document Type : Research Paper



Recently, metha-heuristic methods have been used as an efficient tools to solve complex engineering problems. One of these methods is JPSO algorithm, which, with a change in the nature of the jump of that algorithm in this research, it is possible to solve a graph-based problem with a new algorithm called G-JPSO. The simple and hydropower operation of dams is one of the important issues in the field of water resources management. One of the requirements to solve these problems in a discrete space is creating an appropriate graph. Application of this new developed algorithm on complex mathematical Ackley function and simple and hydropower operation of dams is reported in this paper. The results were compared with the ant colony algorithm. The results showed that the proposed algorithm reach the absolute optimal answer for the Ackley function, and it also showed that a minimum objective function for simple and hydropower operation with 200,000 iterations of the objective function are 1.07 and 7.83, respectively. The value of ant colony algorithm for these two applications are 0.93 and 10.1, respectively. This comparison demonstrates the ability of the developed algorithm in finding solutions close to the optimal solution with a reasonable computational cost.


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