Delineation of the Hydrological Boundaries of the Major Dams’ Watersheds Using Satellite Imagery and Base Maps

Document Type : Research Paper



Access to accurate information is one of the basic tools in making key decisions on water resources issues. Accordingly, a lack of information on the exact geographical location and watershed area of dams leads to disorder in location-based integrated system. Thus a comprehensive utilization of the GIS program and satellite imagery has been employed in the delineation of the hydrological boundaries of the major elements and their exact locations. Therefore, the geographical location of dams and their respective watersheds were identified and their digital maps were prepared. The geographic location of dams and its watershed hydrological boundaries determine and in form of the applicable digital maps were prepared. The results show that the net area of watershed of operating, under construction and in the study phase while eliminating interfering watershed is 31.5 percentage of the total area of the country. Also, the result indicate that the reservoirs of 10 operating dams that provide a significant part of the water demands is shared between four provinces.  A justifiable utilization policy must be enacted for such dams based on conflict resolution models. An overlay showing watershed boundaries placed on the erosion digital layer reveals that 50% of the watersheds have suffered critical or super critical erosion, with a consequence of reservoir sedimentation.


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