Quality assessment of Dez River water in terms of efficiency in pressurized irrigation systems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Former MSc Student of Department of Water Engineering and Sciences, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof. of Department of Water Engineering and Sciences, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.


Introduction: The limitation of the country's water resources and the aggravation of this limitation, which is caused by the continuous increase in the demand, has caused the maximum use of the available water resources and the increase in productivity and, as a result, the increase in production per unit area. The present research was conducted with the aim of evaluating the water quality of Dez River in terms of efficiency in pressurized irrigation systems.
Methods: For quality assessment of Dez River water in terms of efficiency in pressurized irrigation systems, 7 hydrometric stations were selected including Sepid dashte Sezar, Sepid dashte zaz, Tange pange sezar, Tange pange bakhtiari, Dezful, Harmaleh, and Bamdezh. Qualitative data of Dez River water along a decade (2005-2014) were taken from Khuzestan water and power authority.
Findings: The Qualitative analysis using piper diagram showed that water quality in Sepid dashte Sezar, Sepid dashte zaz and Tange pange sezar stations was calcium bicarbonate. Although, in Harmaleh and Bamdezh stations the most of samples were neutral. The results showed that salinity amount was increased from the upstream to the downstream of the river. Whereas, Bamdezh station had low to medium limitation at 95 percent of times for drip irrigation usage. Dez River had no limitation for infiltration due to suitable averages of SAR and EC. Besides, cations and anions coefficient of correlation was variable between 0.67 to 0.78 and -0.249 to 0.6 respectively. Chlorine in the river water from Harmaleh station toward the downstream of the river, had low to medium limitation for sprinkler irrigation usage. The most limitation of bicarbonate was observed at 97.5 percent of times in Sepid dashte Sezar station for using sprinkler irrigation. In addition, sodium amount in Harmaleh and Bamdezh stations compared to Dezful station increased 134 and 233 percent respectively. Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) was negative in the entire stations and calcium carbonate sediment won’t be created.


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