Sociological explanation of attitudes and perceptions of flood risk through the analysis of the semantic system of flood victims in Khuzestan province: Based on Grounded Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of sociology, Economy and Social Sciences Faculty, Shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor Department of sociology Economy and Social Sciences Faculty, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


The present study aimed to explain the sociology of attitudes and perception of flood risk by analyzing the semantic system of flood victims in Khuzestan province. In the qualitative stage of the research, the method of contextual theory (systematic approach) was used. The studied population is the families of flood victims in Khuzestan province. The data of this study were collected through in-depth interviews and purposive-theoretical sampling with 25 flood-related stakeholders, and to analyze the data from five stages of open coding and concept recognition, concept development in terms of dimensions and features, Data analysis was used to context and introduce the process into the analysis and integration of categories. After coding, seven main categories of data emerged. The emerging model includes three dimensions: conditions, actions, interactions, and consequences. The "conditions" include weakness of governmental and non-governmental institutions in providing services, weak crisis management in providing services, lack of information by governmental and non-governmental organizations as causal conditions; Environmental shocks, family economic vulnerability, poor performance of governmental and non-governmental organizations in providing safety and health education, "action-interaction" dimension, including flood victims feedback, lack of knowledge and awareness about floods, flood risk perception, Village confusion, lack of security, dimension of "human consequences", including increasing the interaction of local officials and trustees


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