Optimal Operation of the Conjunctive Aquifers - Dam system: The Genetic Programming Approach

Document Type : Research Paper



In the recent year, because the increasing growth of water including demands, using limited surface and groundwater resources and, in some regions, conjunctive use have increased. Contemporary with this growth, modeling include simulation and optimization has been developed especially in how to deal with the optimization of pumping groundwater. Operational rules are appropriate tools in water resources planning that estimate the value use from various sources at the previous and present time. In this research, real time operation of different resources and water allocation to the different demands in the Karaj region has been considered. To materialize this objective, genetic algorithm (GA) performance has been compared with the fixed lenght gene genetic programming (FLGGP) to extract mathematical equations without any predefined linear and nonlinear forms considering objective of minimization of the sum of the squared deviation between demand and allocated water. Results indicated that the achieved objective employing the FLGGP is 32.58 percent smaller (better) than the same value obtained by the GA. Thus, the FLGGP performance and flexibility due to the use of functions and variables in the search space is better than The GA in conjunctive system.
