Application of Firefly Fractional Algorithm (FA) In Optimal Water Resources Distribution in Chahnimeh of Sistan under the Managerial Scenarios

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Economic Sciences, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan

2 Assistant Profeesor in Agricultural Economics, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan

3 MS of Agricultural Economics, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan


Despite the many studies that have been done in reservoir exploitation, due to the willingness of researchers to reduce errors in calculations, this issue is still a matter of interest and is of interest to water researchers. In this regard, the use of the capability of Fractional Algorithms Which are generally derived from nature and used in complex problems and optimization problems. In recent years, it has been highly regarded. Therefore, in the present study, the optimal allocation of water resources in the semi-Sistan reservoir reservoirs has been investigated under management scenarios using the Fuzzy Firefighting Technique. The results of the research show that the best value of the target function was 2309/66 million cubic meters. Also, in the early years, the optimal release of firefighting algorithm was obtained at 29.1376 million cubic meters, with a demand of 98.3121 million cubic meters, of which 69.1745 million cubic meters were lacking. The results of the evaluation of various management scenarios showed that if these projects were implemented, the amount of water allocated to the agricultural sector would be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is suggested that with the spread of Iran's legitimate rights from Afghanistan, it will be possible to overcome the dangers and droughts of the last few decades.


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