Comparison of hydraulic and reverse hydraulic rotational velocity at the junction point of a branch to the main channel

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student at Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamadan

2 Assistant Professor at Bou Ali Sina University

3 Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University


Routing is one of the oldest methods for calculating output hydrographs. Dynamic wave dynamics is one of the most complex and precise methods of routing, which is accomplished by solving a complete number of Saint Vincent's equations. With regard to the flow hydrograph of a stream as problem information and flow path characteristics, the equations of Saint- Venant and the finite difference method were solved and the input hydrograph was calculated. This method was investigated as a reverse order and its results were compared with laboratory observations. An uncontrolled flow was created and, regardless of the path loss, the laboratory was taken and laboratory data was controlled with the program written for adjustment. Then, using the statistical parameters of the obtained results, it was examined and shown that the created model for calculating the input hydrographs has high accuracy. The results of the reverse routing analysis of the tested hydrograph showed that there is good agreement between the program outputs and experimental observations, which resulted in a relative error of maximum 5% in hydrographs 4 and 5. Also, in this study, increasing the amount of discharge flow increased the error rate, which reached the lowest value in the hydrograph 9. In general, this method has high accuracy for laboratory fluxes less than 40 liters per second.


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