Land subsidence survey, Case study: Land subsidence of Artificial recharge Pools of Hamedan South Power Plant, Northwest of Iran.

Document Type : Research Paper


In this article the phenomenon of land subsidence and the resulting cracks and fissures of artificial recharge plan of Hamedan Shahid Mofateh power generation as case study has been investigated. This is an unusual phenomenon and in this research the geometrical properties of the fissures of recharge ponds are measured. The results reveal the existence of fine layers in the geology of the aquifer, which are displaced in the long run as the consequence of groundwater overdraft. Sand making of some of the water wells around study area is proof of this claim. At the site of the artificial recharge subject of this research, the difference between the quality of recharge water and the aquifer and their interaction have intensified the instability and the movement of the fine sediments. In addition, the neglect of hydraulic principles of the groundwater during the construction and operation of the recharge wells has resulted in turbulent and speed flows, intensified displacement of fine sand and ultimately the localized subsidence at the site of the plan.


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