A Survey on the of the Summer Precipitation Events Moisture Supply Resources of Southeast of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



. to evaluate the synoptic and dynamic conditions of atmospheric circulation patterns to identify resources of moisture that transfer from surrounding areas to the study area.For this purpose at first, the southeast of the Iran were selected as the study area. Then the data required consists of two group environmental data and atmospheric data from the database to the desired timeframe for 13 years (1974-2000) was extracted. The data required consists of two group environmental data and atmospheric data from the database to the desired timeframe for 13 years was extracted.These data includes sea level pressure maps, geopotential height at 850 and 500hpa, Omega, moisture flux , specific humidity and a composite map of sea level pressure and humidity, were used for synoptic analysis.The results showed that on most days of precipitation in lands occurred earlier from the sea. The results also suggestion that the occurrence of heavy precipitations, mostly due to the difference in pressure between the Pakistan's low pressure and Tibetian high-pressure systems. In addition, at the periods that the Pakistan low pressure intensity and broadened considerably, track the transfer of moisture through the Arabian sea and the Gulf of Oman warm waters to the Indian subcontinent, and since moving to the west and then effected the South-East of Iran.when the area and intensity of Pakistan low pressure decreased and the Azore high-pressure system were spread from west to east of the Middle east , moisture from the Gulf of Oman to Iran's internal regions has changed.


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