The effects of salinity stress and organic fertilizer on yield, oil and water use efficiency of different cultivars of canola

Document Type : Research Paper


گروه کشاورزی، واحد گرگان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، گرگان، ایران


With respect to salinity of bulk soil and water resources in Golestan province and the importance of rapeseed as oil plant, a pot experiment in field environment was conducted as factorial based on complete randomized blocks with 3 replications in Gorgan region and four irrigation water salinity levels (1.15, 4, 7 and 10 dS.m-1), two organic fertilizer levels (vermicompost application levels including zero and 10 Tons.ha-1) and four cultivars of canola (Hyola 4815, 308 and 401 and RGS) were studied. The results showed that the effect of salinity on seed yield and water use efficiency and oil percent was significant, while vermicompost significantly affected all traits. Also, cultivar affected seed yield and water use efficiency. Intraction between salinity and vermicompost on all traits, except oil percent, and intraction between vermicompost and cultivar on oil yield and water use efficiency was significant, while salinity and cultivar intraction had affected any traits. Interation between salinity, vemicompost and cultivar was significant on oil yield and water use efficiency. Salinity in the absence of vermicompost resulted decreasing in all traits. However, usage 10 Tons.ha-1 vermicompost led to significance increase of all traits, except oil percentage. Vermicompost was more usefulness in salt stress conditions than non-stressed condition. The highest seed yield, seed water use efficiency, oil yield and oil water use efficiency were obtained in Hyola 308 cultivar while the highest oil percent was observed in the RGS cultivar.


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