Numerical Modeling of Wave Run-up Over the Armoured Breakwater Employing the Flow-3D Software

Document Type : Research Paper



Armoured breakwaters are important hydraulic structures as they protect the non-rocky                  against erosion. As the berm width affects the run-up height, therefore, its determination is of almost importance. It is interesting to note that most researchers have studied the berm recession thus ignoring the wave run-up. Therefore, this study enhances our understanding of these vital structures. As a whole, 350 numerical models were developed to investigate the relationships of the linear wave run-up over the armoured breakwaters to the berm width employing the Flow-3D software. The main variables in this study were berm width, wave height, wave period, the seaside slope of the breakwater, and the distance to the static water surface. It was observed that the numerical results were close to those of the analytical results with a correlation coefficient of 96%. A 45% increase in the berm width decreased the wave run-up height by 36%. Furthermore, a 67% increase in the wave height resulted in a 53% increase in the wave run-up height, and a 53% increase in the period resulted in a 36% increase in the wave run-up height. To sum up the stability, an optimum performance of breakwaters is determined by their berm widths.


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