Investigation of Nitrite Concentration and Spatial Variations in Groundwater of Sarchehan Plain (Fars)



Groundwater contamination with nitrate is a pervasive problem in Iran and all over the world. Groundwater nitrate pollution associated with agricultural activity is an important environmental problem in the management of this natural resource, so that this is one of the most common groundwater contaminants. Determining the concentration and its spatial variation can be useful in exploitation and management of water resources. In this research, a total number of 50 wells were selected for sampling purposes and nitrate concentrations were analyzed in the laboratory according to standard method. Measured nitrate levels were compared to World Health Organization (WHO). Although, slightly increasing or decreasing changes in nitrate concentrations were observed in some wells, however the concentrations were below the standard of WHO (50 mg/L).It seems that nitrate concentrations in plain are affected by nonpoint sources (nitrogen fertilizers) and point sources (wastewater) that will undoubtedly be most important source of nitrate pollution in the future. Spatial patterns of nitrate showed that the highest concentrations of nitrate were found in north-eastern and south-eastern. Also, no statistically significant correlations were observed between nitrate concentration and well depth.


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