Investigation of The Phytoremediation of Vetiver And Eucalyptus By Absorption of Heavy Metals From Sewage in a Contaminated Soil With Landfill Leachate



Using wastewater and sewage have some environmental dangers such as water, soil and plant pollution from heavy metals accumulation. This research was conducted to study phytoremediation of vetiver and eucalyptus by absorption of heavy metals from sewage in a contaminated soil with landfill leachate. Plants were irrigated with different types of wastewater in 2012 on the base of a completely randomized design with 4 replications. The factors were 2 type of plants and different quality of wastewater. plant samples were taken and the heavy metals were measured by Atomic Absorption system  after 100 days. According to results, few heavy metals had been absorbed  by plants from soil and water. Heavy metals accumulation in plants were significant. Concentration of  Pb for vetiver roots were more than of eucalyptus roots but the results in shoots were inverse. There was no Ni in plants shoot. The absorption and the concentration of Pb, Ni, Zn , Cu in vetiver roots had a significant difference with eucalyptus. Using different type of wastewater had significant impact on plant growth which caused increasing the absorption of heavy metals by plants  and resulted better remediation of soil. The maximum weight of plant drymatter (root & shoot) for eucalyptus  was measured 46.47 and vetiver was 59.88 grams per pot for none refined wastewater irrigation. It is recommended to investigate the long term affects of this pollution on soils and plants.


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