Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources in the mahvalat Plain

Document Type : Research Paper



A critical groundwater (GW) shortage in the Mahvalat Plain (MP) is alarming. As GW is the sole source of freshwater in the area, the objectives of this study are to survey and asses its current status, and to set a strategy for balancing the recharge and withdrawals to achieve the sustainable management of the most precious resource. The mean annual withdrawal and recharge of 48 production wells and 3 strings of aqueducts (Qanats) during the 1665-2008 period were 254 million m3 (Mm3) and 157 Mm3, respectively. This 97 Mm3 annual deficit resulted in the mean annual decline of the water table by 1.35 m during the same period. Chemical analyses of water samples from 48 wells and 3 strings of aqueducts indicate that the electrical conductivity (EC) increased from 0.17 s/m to more than1.5 s/m form the northeastern part of the MP towards its margins. Moreover, salinity, SAR and Sodium percentage of most samples made them unsuitable for irrigation. To achieve a sustainable management of the most precious resource, i.e., water, the solutions include: Restriction of the pumping hours according to the directives of the local water authorities to decrease the mean annual of 121Mm3, Reduction of the irrigated fields by 2/3 of the current practice, Installation of sprinkler and drip irrigation systems, Practicing advanced surface irrigation methods, Amortization of the wells with an EC of  more than 0.75s/m of their water by the Government and closing them completely, and installation of smart water meters on the remaining productions wells and their continuous monitoring.


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