How the Farmers Educational Background Affects Their Drought Management Policies: The Case of Miandoab, West Azarbaijan

Document Type : Research Paper



Drought management is a holistic approach applied by farmers can significantly reduce the outcomes of the drought. The farmers' knowledge about the drought management is essential in framers’ policy. This study aimed to assess the relation of the knowledge of the farmers in the City of Miandoab with the drought management using the descriptive and correlation methods. A questionnaire was the main tool to collect data. The questionnaire's robustness was confirmed by experienced faculty and experts. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using the Cronbach's coefficient alpha (0.73- 0.86). Farmers in Miandoab were the statistical population. Samples were selected using a two-stage cluster sampling method (n=120). The results show that a mean score of farmers' knowledge in the drought management was 9.72 out of 20. Surveying the test results also show that the knowledge of the insured farmers and those participated in extension classes was significantly more than that of the non-insured and non-participants in the extension classes. The correlation analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between knowledge score in the drought management and the age of farmers, orchard area and the annual income.


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