Assessment of Hydrochemical Characteristics of Groundwater Resources of the aquifer of the Sari-Ghaemshahr plain for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes

Document Type : Research Paper



The Sari-Ghaemshahr plain is located in the province of Mazandaran, in the southeast boarders of the Caspian Sea. The water of 44 production wells was sampled in the fall of 2011 and the spring of 2012 to determine their suitability for drinking and irrigation of the agricultural lands. The samples were analyzed for Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+, HCO3-, SO4-2, Cl- , SAR, PI, and KI. The samples were categorized as Fresh, brackish to saline from the type of CaHCO3, and mixture of (Ca, Mg, Cl) and Na-Cl based on the Piper diagram. The Gibbs diagram shows how to determine the chemical reaction and type of water. Ionic ratios reveal that the source of calcium and magnesium ions were carbonate rocks, sodium ions from (Na-rich) clay minerals and a solution of sodium chloride, and sulfate from human activities and not from the sedimentary origin. These reactions were governed by the geological formations and intrusion of saline water (sea, connate water). Although some of the water samples were categorized as hard or very hard according to the WHO drinking water standards and the Schuellers diagram, they were potable. Based on the USDA irrigation water standards, most of the wells contained very suitable to permissible water for irrigations, and only a small percentage of them had unsuitable water strict ground water management, particularly pumping reduction. The artificial recharge is recommended if the soil salinization, permeability reduction and saltwater intrusion into the freshwater aquifers are to be prevented. To avoid leaching soil, reducing the permeability and saltwater level, which means the unsuitable water, the arrangements of exploitation of water control such as raising the water table is used in the recharge province.


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