Drought Assessment and Monitoring of Nahavand City based on Drought Indices

Document Type : Research Paper



Drought is one of the major natural disasters which affect human society more than all other calamities. In order to monitor the drought conditions in Nahavand City, the province of Hamedan, the monthly and annual rainfall data of the Varayeneh and Vasaj Stations were collected for 41 years (1969-2009). The drought condition were analyzed using Rainfall Anomaly Index (RAI), Standard Index of Annual Precipitation (SLAP), Percentage of Normal Index (PNI), Deciles Index (DI), Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Chinese Z Index (CZI), Modified CZI (MCZI) and Z Score Index (ZSI). The results indicate that the most severe drought recorded at both the Varayeneh and Vasaj stations based on the PNI, SPI, CZI, DI and ZSI indices in the water year of 1998-1999. According to the MCZI index, a severe drought, was observed at both the Vasaj and Varayeneh stations in the water year of 1970-1971. Based on SLAP index, five severe drought cases were observed at the Varayeneh station, and seven severe drought cases were observed at the Vasaj station. Based on the RAI index, five severe droughts were observed at the Varayeneh station and seven severe droughts were observed at the Vasaj station. Moreover, based on the majority of these indices, the most severe drought of this 40-year period in Nahavand City occurred in the water year of 1998-1999.


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