Experimental Comparison of 3D Components of Flow Velocity Around a T-shaped Spur Dike Located in a 90 Degree Bend with Rigid Bed Using the Results of the Flow-3D Software Program

Document Type : Research Paper


The Flow-3D is one of the computational fluid dynamics software programs designed to solve Navier-Stokes equations under various conditions in order to determine the flow pattern. The flow around the spur dike is one instance of various complex flows, which has long been an intriguing phenomena. Moreover, placing such structures in a bend would make the determination of 3D components of the flow velocity even more complicated. Considering the difficulty of conducting experiments in different situations and the various parameters affecting the flow pattern determination, the need to use numerical software programs, such as the Flow-3D, would be more significant. With the experimental data on the T-shaped spur dike located in a 90 degree bend with rigid bed, this paper has studied the 3D components of the output velocity of the Flow-3D and compared them with the experimental results. The 3D components of the flow at longitudinal section, cross section, and plan views were compared and the average of the numerical data error was calculated under various conditions. The average error, 1>%, was observed between the numerical and experimental model of the flow vertical velocity data occurring at the cross section 17%. Moreover, the measured average error values of the longitudinal and transverse velocities of the flow were 6% and 10%, respectively. The results obtained from the comparisons indicated a significant similarity between the numerical model of the Flow-3D and experimental data, demonstrating the enhanced capability of such software programs in simulating the flow pattern around hydraulic structures such as spur dikes placed in river bends.


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