The Efficiency Evaluation of Artificial Neural Network Training Algorithms for Estimation of Water Quality Parameters of Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. graduate, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran


Introduction: An artificial neural network (ANN) is a powerful data-driven tool capable of learning the linear and nonlinear relationships governing different systems. However, determining the best-performing algorithm in terms of convergence speed and accuracy for a particular problem is still a fundamental challenge for users of artificial neural networks.
Methods: We investigated the most effective algorithm among widely used processes to simulate and estimate nonlinear water quality parameters. For this purpose, we constructed 42 models combining artificial neural network topology (single or multilayer) and training processes. The quality parameters’ data acquired at 107 wells throughout the aquifer of Qorveh-Dehgolan plain were used for training (data from 1996 to 2013) and to test (data from 2014 to 2016) each model.
Findings: The results showed that artificial neural networks with a hidden layer that benefits from the optimal number of neurons could simulate the aquifer behavior with high accuracy and in less time. Also, increasing the number of hidden layers while increasing the response accuracy increases the number of optimal network neurons and the duration of the problem analysis. Finally, artificial neural networks based on the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb (BFG) method had the highest efficiency in simulating aquifer behavior, although the performance of the Levenberg Marquart (LM) method is very close to BFG. BFG is more efficient than LM due to its lower Mean Square Error and Standard Deviation (3.46 and 3.09, respectively).


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