Evaluation of the Effects of Infiltration of Effluent of Borujen City Treatment Plant on the Quality of Groundwater Resources in Borujen-Faradonbeh Plain

Document Type : Article frome a thesis


1 Professor, Department of Watershed Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 M.Sc Graduated, Watershed Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Environmental Health, Yazd Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran

4 Ph.D. Candidate in Watershed Sciences and Engineering Water and Soil Conservation, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran, Iran


Introduction: Due to the lack of rainfall and the negative balance of groundwater aquifers in recent years, the use of unconventional water sources such as effluents and sewage for artificial feeding is one of the important methods to deal with decline in groundwater aquifers. In the Borujen-Faradonbeh plain, in order to reduce the effects of drought on groundwater resources, the aquifer of this plain has been artificially fed using the effluent of the Borujen treatment plant. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the effluent of Borujen water treatment plant on the quality of groundwater resources in this plain.
Methods: To investigate the quality of effluent and its effect on the downstream water of the treatment plant, water wells downstream and upstream were sampled. The samples were immediately transferred to the laboratory and analyzes including the concentrations of Mg, Ca, K Li, Na, S, St, Si, Sc, V, Ba, Cr and V were performed on the samples.
Findings: The results showed that except for calcium, potassium and chromium elements which were not statistically significant differences between the water samples taken from the upstream and downstream of the treatment plant (sig> 0.05) but the number of other elements differed between the upstream and downstream wells of the treatment plant. Were significant (sig <0.05). But the same amount is within the set standards. Also, IDW maps related to these elements showed that the northern and northwestern parts of the plain (downstream of the Borujen city treatment plant) have areas with high concentrations of these elements.


Main Subjects

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