Estimation of Potential Yield and Yield Gap of major crops in Qazvin irrigation network

Document Type : Research Paper


Agricultural Engineering Research Department, Qazvin Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Qazvin, Iran.


Due to limited water resources, increasing water productivity is very important to achieve water security and food security. One of the basic measures in this area is to determine the difference in product performance between the current situation and the potential situation. Crop potential yield is one of the parameters that can be used to calculate the yield gap and to manage water and soil resources based on the factors affecting production. In this study, the potential yield of major crops in the composition of irrigation network of Qazvin plain has been determined by agronomic method. The results showed that the yield gap in the crop composition of major crops in Qazvin plain was 3339 (kg / ha). Also, the average yield gap due to the composition of cultivation, yield gap of each crop and the area under cultivation of crops in the irrigation network of Qazvin plain, was 26.23%. The results of estimating the potential yield at the level of the irrigation network of Qazvin plain show that not all crops have reached the achievable yield level (75 to 85% of the potential yield) and there has been a high yield in crops such as sugar beet, tomato and alfalfa. Given that in the current situation of operation of the irrigation network, it is very difficult to achieve potential performance, in such cases, the gap between actual performance and achievable performance should be reduced.


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