Hydrochemistry and water quality of Kalaleh Doogh river using graphical methods, cluster analysis, and quality indices

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc student at Department of Watershed, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran

2 Assistant prof. at Department of Watershed and Rangeland Management, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran

3 Lecturer at University of Applied Science and Technology, Gonbad Branch, Gonbad Kavous, Iran


Doogh river is one of the main tributaries of Gorganroud in the east of Golestan province, which has an important role in supplying drinking water to Gonbad Kavous. Furthermore, it is one of the water supply sources of Golestan dam with agriculture use. Therefore, the study of hydrochemical and water quality of this river for drinking, agricultural, and industrial uses is of great importance. In this study, Stiff, Piper and Gibbs diagrams were used to investigate river hydrochemistry. Wilcox, sodium soluble percentage, magnesium ratio, and permeability index was evaluated to classify water for irrigation purpose. To investigate Doogh river water for drinking purpose, NSFWQI index, Schoeller diagram, and water quality standards were used. Eventually, water quality for industry was assessed using corrosivity ratio, Langelier Ryznar indices. Results showed Ca-Mg-HCO3 is dominant hydrochemical facies and rock-water interaction is the main controlling factor in river water chemistry. Based on NSFWQI index and Schoeller diagram, water quality was in acceptable class for drinking purpose. However, turbidity and fecal coliforms values based on water quality standards were higher than drinking limit and needs to be purified. Based on the results of sodium percentage, magnesium ratio, and permeability index, water quality is well evaluated for agriculture purpose. Industrial indices indicate that the relatively corrosive property. Water quality for irrigation purpose is well evaluated and there is no need for soil regeneration after use. Although Doogh river water is relatively corrosive, but it is save to use all metallic equipment to transfer and extract water


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