Multi-objective conflict resolution model for conjunctive operation from surface and groundwater based on goal programming approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Research Assistant, School of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


In this paper, two optimization methodologies for conjunctive operation from surface and groundwater resources are developed. The first proposed methodology consists of an integrated model that is able to consider and analysis supply and water demand management policies, together. In this model, optimum decisions are determined for reservoir-river-groundwater system simultaneous operation for developing water supply and increasing water demands conditions. Also, different climate change scenarios are considered for evaluating the system in the different situations. In this model, using NSGA-II multi-objective optimization model that surface and groundwater allocation are determined with multi-objective goal programming approach for 10-year periods in different climate. For analyzing optimization model, performance criteria are determined for system in the conjunctive operation structure in order to evaluate and rank operation approaches. Finally, using Borda count model, an appropriate solution is chosen on the obtained trade-off among different objectives. In the second methodology, a simulation-optimization model is developed for conjunctive operation from surface and groundwater resooptimum decisions are determined for reservoir-river-groundwater system simultaneous operation under different climate scenarios for developing water supply and increasing demands system. They are presented in the operation rules framework and rule curves in the monthly and weekly time steps. Finally, using fallback bargaining model, an appropriate solution is determined in obtained trade-off among different objectives of stakeholders. The results show that, aquifer modeling has better estimation from water system situation in the case study and the proposed methodologies can determine solution that can provide the most possible compromise among different stakeholders.


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