Groundwater modeling by MODFLOW model in Toyerkan aquifer and evaluation of hydrogeological state under present and future conditions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Water Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan

2 M.Sc. Student of Irrigation and Drainage, Bu-AliSinaUniversity, Hamedan


1) Aflatouni, M., Eskandari, L., and Dehghanisanij, H. 2014. Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis of Hydraulic Behavior in Qazvin Plain Aquifer. Journal of Soil and Water Research 45 (3): 283-291 (in Persian).
2) Alizadeh, A., 2007. Principles of applied hydrology. Emam Reza university, Mashhad, p. 808 (in Persian).
3) Al-Salamah, L.S., Ghazaw, Y.M. and Ghumman, A.R. 2011. Groundwater modeling of Saq Aquifer Buraydah Al Qassim for better water management strategies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 173 (1–4): 851–860.
4) Beheshti, A.S., 2006. Malayer Plain Hydrographic Study and its Mathematical Modeling Using the MODFLOW code for Optimum Management of Groundwater Resources, MS.C Thesis in hydrogeology. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tabriz University (in Persian).
5) Chitsazan, M., and Kashkooli, H.A. 2002. Quantitative solutions in hydrogeology and ground water modeling, Shahid Chamran university, Ahvaz, p. 680 (in Persian).
6) Haan, C. T. 2002. Statistical Methods in Hydrology. Iowa State Press, P. 496.
7) Jusseret, S., Tam, V. T., and Dassargues, A. 2009. Groundwater flow modelling in the central zone of Hanoi, Vietnam. Hydrogeology Journal 17: 915–934.
8) Karimipour, A.R., Rakhshandehroo, G.R., 2011. Sensitivity Analysis for Hydraulic Behavior of Shiraz Plain Aquifer Using PMWIN. Journal of Water and Wastewater 22 (2): 102-111 (in Persian)..
و ارزیابی وضعیت آب زمینشناسی تحت شرایط موجود و آینده MODFLOW 899 شبیهسازی آبخوان دشت تویسرکان با مدل
9) Larroque, F., Treichel, W., and Dupuy, A. 2008. Use of unit response functions for management of regional multilayered aquifers; application to the North Aquitaine Tertiary system (France). Hydrogeology Journal 16: 215–233.
10) Liu, C.W., Chou, Y.L., Lin, S.T., Lin, G.J., and Jang, C.S. 2010. Management of high groundwater level aquifer in the Taipei Basin. Water Resources Management 24 (13): 3513–3525.
11) Liu, C.W., Lin, C.N., Jang, C.S., Chen, C.P., Chang, J.F., Fan, C.C., and Lou, K.H. 2006. Sustainable groundwater management in Kinmen Island. Hydrological Processes 20: 4363–4372.
12) Mahdavi, M., Farkhzad, B., Salajaghe, A., Malekian, A., Soori, M., 2013, Simulation of Hamedan- Bahar aquifer and investigation of management scenarios by using PMWIN, Watershed Management Research (Pajouhesh & Sazandegi),26 (1): 108-116 (in Persian).
13) McDonald, M.G., and Harbaugh, A.W. 1988. A modular three-dimensional finite difference groundwater flow model. US Geological Survey Open-file Report. p. 83-875.
14) Mirlas,V. 2012. Assessing soil salinity hazard in cultivated areas using MODFLOW model and GIS tools: A case study from the Jezre’el Valley. Agricultural Water Management 109: 144– 154.
15) Mittelstet, A.R., Smolen, M.D., Fox G.A., and Adams, D.C. 2011. Comparison of aquifer sustainability under groundwater administrations in Oklahoma and Texas. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47 (2): 424–431.
16) Mohammadi, A., karami. G., Dolati Ardejani, F., 2015. Aquifer management study using PMWIN model, case study: Shirvan aquifer, Water Resources and Development, 1 (3): 67-75 (in Persian).
17) Nikbakht, J., Najib, Z., 2015, Effect of irrigation efficiency increasing on groundwater level fluctuations (Cast study: Ajab-Shir Plain, East Azarbaijan), Water
and Irrigation Management, 5 (1): 115-127 (in Persian).
18) Office of Basic Water Resources Studies, 2009. Report on justification for extending the ban on exploitation of groundwater resources of Tuyserkan Plain in the year 2008-2009. Ministry of Energy, Water Resources Management Company of Iran, Hamedan Regional Water Company (in Persian).
19) Porhaghi A., Akhondali, A., Radmanesh, F., and Mirzaee, S.Y. 2014. Manage the Groundwater Sources Exploration of the
20) Nourabad Plain in the Drought Conditions with MODFLOW Modeling. Journal of Irrigation Sciences and Engineering 37 (2): 71-82 (in Persian).
21) Rejani, R., Jha, M.K., Panda, S.N., and Mull, R. 2008. Simulation modeling for efficient groundwater management in Balasore Coastal Basin, India. Water Resources Management 22 (1): 23–50.
22) Rezapour Tabari, M.M., Ebadi, T., and Maknoon, R. 2011. Development of a Smart Model for Groundwater Level Prediction Based on Aquifer Dynamic Conditions. Journal of Water and Wastewater 21 (4): 70-80 (in Persian).
23) Shishir, G., Chaharb, B.R., and Didier, G. 2011. Combined use of groundwater modeling and potential zone analysis for management of groundwater. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13: 127–139.
24) Shokoohi, F., Abdekolahchi, A., Majidi, A., Yaghoobi, B., Bakhshipoor, J., 2014. Modeling of Groundwater Flow in Tuyserkan plain using GMS Mathematical Model, First National Conference on Architecture. Civil and Urban Environment (in Persian).
25) Taheri Tizro, A., Voudouris, K.S., and Akbari, K. 2011. Simulation of a groundwater artificial recharge in a semi-arid region of Iran. Irrigation and Drainage ASCE 60: 393-403.
26) Zhou, Y., and Li, W. 2011. A review of regional groundwater flow modeling. Geoscience Frontiers 2(2): 205-214.Groundwater resources are one of the most valuable natural resources. Therefore, in the recent years, the groundwater modeling is a powerful tool in management procedures, optimization and predicting of groundwater resources in future. The purpose of this study is the modeling of Toyserkan aquifer with MODFLOW that is a code in PMWIN software which is considered to be very efficient in groundwater modeling. The simulation was attempted for an annual period of 12 monthly stress periods (September, 2008 to August, 2009). This model was calibrated for first 10 months in simulation period and then was verified with observed data for next two months. Calibration results in steady and transient states indicate that, horizontal hydraulic conductivity and storage coefficient increases from north east to the south west in the Toyserkan plain. After verification to postulate the confidence from model’s ability for predicting the aquifer’s future conditions, two scenarios with 10 years length were defined. The first scenario is based on the current withdrawal trend and in the second scenario, irrigation efficiency which is increased up to 20 percent and therefore decreases in withdrawals was considered. A trend of decline in the groundwater levels in most of observation wells and increase in two observation wells, numbers 3 and 6 were observed.


1) Aflatouni, M., Eskandari, L., and Dehghanisanij, H. 2014. Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis of Hydraulic Behavior in Qazvin Plain Aquifer. Journal of Soil and Water Research 45 (3): 283-291 (in Persian).
2) Alizadeh, A., 2007. Principles of applied hydrology. Emam Reza university, Mashhad, p. 808 (in Persian).
3) Al-Salamah, L.S., Ghazaw, Y.M. and Ghumman, A.R. 2011. Groundwater modeling of Saq Aquifer Buraydah Al Qassim for better water management strategies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 173 (1–4): 851–860.
4) Beheshti, A.S., 2006. Malayer Plain Hydrographic Study and its Mathematical Modeling Using the MODFLOW code for Optimum Management of Groundwater Resources, MS.C Thesis in hydrogeology. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tabriz University (in Persian).
5) Chitsazan, M., and Kashkooli, H.A. 2002. Quantitative solutions in hydrogeology and ground water modeling, Shahid Chamran university, Ahvaz, p. 680 (in Persian).
6) Haan, C. T. 2002. Statistical Methods in Hydrology. Iowa State Press, P. 496.
7) Jusseret, S., Tam, V. T., and Dassargues, A. 2009. Groundwater flow modelling in the central zone of Hanoi, Vietnam. Hydrogeology Journal 17: 915–934.
8) Karimipour, A.R., Rakhshandehroo, G.R., 2011. Sensitivity Analysis for Hydraulic Behavior of Shiraz Plain Aquifer Using PMWIN. Journal of Water and Wastewater 22 (2): 102-111 (in Persian)..
و ارزیابی وضعیت آب زمینشناسی تحت شرایط موجود و آینده MODFLOW 899 شبیهسازی آبخوان دشت تویسرکان با مدل
9) Larroque, F., Treichel, W., and Dupuy, A. 2008. Use of unit response functions for management of regional multilayered aquifers; application to the North Aquitaine Tertiary system (France). Hydrogeology Journal 16: 215–233.
10) Liu, C.W., Chou, Y.L., Lin, S.T., Lin, G.J., and Jang, C.S. 2010. Management of high groundwater level aquifer in the Taipei Basin. Water Resources Management 24 (13): 3513–3525.
11) Liu, C.W., Lin, C.N., Jang, C.S., Chen, C.P., Chang, J.F., Fan, C.C., and Lou, K.H. 2006. Sustainable groundwater management in Kinmen Island. Hydrological Processes 20: 4363–4372.
12) Mahdavi, M., Farkhzad, B., Salajaghe, A., Malekian, A., Soori, M., 2013, Simulation of Hamedan- Bahar aquifer and investigation of management scenarios by using PMWIN, Watershed Management Research (Pajouhesh & Sazandegi),26 (1): 108-116 (in Persian).
13) McDonald, M.G., and Harbaugh, A.W. 1988. A modular three-dimensional finite difference groundwater flow model. US Geological Survey Open-file Report. p. 83-875.
14) Mirlas,V. 2012. Assessing soil salinity hazard in cultivated areas using MODFLOW model and GIS tools: A case study from the Jezre’el Valley. Agricultural Water Management 109: 144– 154.
15) Mittelstet, A.R., Smolen, M.D., Fox G.A., and Adams, D.C. 2011. Comparison of aquifer sustainability under groundwater administrations in Oklahoma and Texas. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47 (2): 424–431.
16) Mohammadi, A., karami. G., Dolati Ardejani, F., 2015. Aquifer management study using PMWIN model, case study: Shirvan aquifer, Water Resources and Development, 1 (3): 67-75 (in Persian).
17) Nikbakht, J., Najib, Z., 2015, Effect of irrigation efficiency increasing on groundwater level fluctuations (Cast study: Ajab-Shir Plain, East Azarbaijan), Water
and Irrigation Management, 5 (1): 115-127 (in Persian).
18) Office of Basic Water Resources Studies, 2009. Report on justification for extending the ban on exploitation of groundwater resources of Tuyserkan Plain in the year 2008-2009. Ministry of Energy, Water Resources Management Company of Iran, Hamedan Regional Water Company (in Persian).
19) Porhaghi A., Akhondali, A., Radmanesh, F., and Mirzaee, S.Y. 2014. Manage the Groundwater Sources Exploration of the
20) Nourabad Plain in the Drought Conditions with MODFLOW Modeling. Journal of Irrigation Sciences and Engineering 37 (2): 71-82 (in Persian).
21) Rejani, R., Jha, M.K., Panda, S.N., and Mull, R. 2008. Simulation modeling for efficient groundwater management in Balasore Coastal Basin, India. Water Resources Management 22 (1): 23–50.
22) Rezapour Tabari, M.M., Ebadi, T., and Maknoon, R. 2011. Development of a Smart Model for Groundwater Level Prediction Based on Aquifer Dynamic Conditions. Journal of Water and Wastewater 21 (4): 70-80 (in Persian).
23) Shishir, G., Chaharb, B.R., and Didier, G. 2011. Combined use of groundwater modeling and potential zone analysis for management of groundwater. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13: 127–139.
24) Shokoohi, F., Abdekolahchi, A., Majidi, A., Yaghoobi, B., Bakhshipoor, J., 2014. Modeling of Groundwater Flow in Tuyserkan plain using GMS Mathematical Model, First National Conference on Architecture. Civil and Urban Environment (in Persian).
25) Taheri Tizro, A., Voudouris, K.S., and Akbari, K. 2011. Simulation of a groundwater artificial recharge in a semi-arid region of Iran. Irrigation and Drainage ASCE 60: 393-403.
26) Zhou, Y., and Li, W. 2011. A review of regional groundwater flow modeling. Geoscience Frontiers 2(2): 205-214.