An Application of the Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm in the Optimal Operation of Hydropower Reservoir (Case Study: The Karun4 Reservoir)

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D Student of Water Resources Engineering, Department of Irrigation & Reclamation Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.


Many algorithms and methods have been applied, so far, in order to operate reservoirs, optimally. Recently, the Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (COA) as a new Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) has been utilized for solving a number of bench mark functions and real problems, and high performance and efficiency has been reported for solving difficult optimization problems. The main objective of the current study was an assessment of the COA efficiency in water resource systems in order to extract optimal operation policy for a reservoir with hydropower application. An application of this algorithm in a thirty-year operation of the Karun4 Reservoir was evaluated. The results were compared with those results of Genetic Algorithm (GA) outcomes. The results showed that the COA has a greater ability to reach optimal solution in comparison with the GA. The mean values of the objective functions were 6.34 and 9.28 for the COA and GA algorithms, respectively. Furthermore, the obtained results by the COA showed less difference to the global optimum.


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