Evaluation of the Spatial Variability of Groundwater Quality Factors in The Dezful Plain Using Geostatistics Methods

Document Type : Research Paper



Evaluation of changes in groundwater quality and sustainable management of water resources is of crucial importance in plains. In this regard, the importance of information about the quality of groundwater for various uses is time-consuming and expensive involving data collection. The survey of conventional estimators to find the best parameters, through which other parameters can be derived at lower costs, is essential. In this study, the data collected from 94 production wells in the Dezful Plain, namely: SAR, Na, Ca, TDS, Ec and TH, are used to check the status of the groundwater quality of the plain and select the best procedure for estimating the parameters studied by geostatistial methods. The results indicated that the Cokriging method with the Gaussian variogram and cross variogram models were the best geostatistical based on the highest R2 and lowest NMAE and NRMSE. These parameters were then employed to prepare a map showing the water quality in the specified zone. The results of the zoning maps indicate that the quality of groundwater resources in parts of the southeastern and eastern regions of the plain is not satisfactory for drinking and irrigation.


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